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Repair Overhaul

Partnering with you to reach new heights.

Our staff has years of widespread experience that has had personal involvement with the sale of thousands of parts for the repair and overhaul of aircrafts. We are experts in handling turn-key administration of all machinery and parts tailored to your specific needs. IMS Aerospace is well rounded in order to provide any requests from researching available PMA parts to reducing the cost of an overhaul to a cooling turbine.

In terms of your needs with customs and mandatory modifications, IMS Aerospace can attain the precise non-OEM partners in order to acquire the essential parts.
IMS Aerospace will not only provide these needs but will also offer unbeatable prices much lower than OEM standard parts and labor costs. We have a significant amount of experience in repair contracts, repeat business and long standing relationships with our clientele. IMS Aerospace takes pride in been able to discount pricing considerably due to our MRO network.

IMS Aerospace with its collective logistic solutions, spare parts provision, and an exchange pool will always make it possible for your individual fleet to maintain its optimum levels of operation readiness.

Partnering with you to reach new heights

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